The Accountability Incubator is a year-long training and support program for young people with great ideas for accountability. It provides accountapreneurs with training organized as online modules, hands-on mentorship, communications support, network building through Friendraisers, and access to a micro innovation fund. This year we recruited accountability entrepreneurs with the best ideas under the theme of “Global Challenges, Local Solutions”. Projects we are working on include building participation, inclusion, digital governance and
environmental accountability.
AL Pakistan also runs an Integrity Innovation Lab and has worked deeply in Balochistan to strengthen its public sector financial management accountability framework. The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) is a vital part of Parliament’s accountability mechanisms to safeguard public funds. As part of our training efforts under the Integrity Innovation Lab, we strengthened the capacity of Balochistan’s Public Accounts Committee (PAC) to ensure greater efficiency and transparency as well as build public awareness on government-led processes to drive
citizen-led accountability.
Accountapreneur Aamir Hayat has launched Digital Dera, a digital revolution for local farmers that was initiated by the Internet Society and Agriculture Republic. It raises awareness and provides the farming community with authentic information for better crop yields. It also collects data on shifting local trends due to climate change to share with policymakers.
Nayyara Rehman, a member of the 2021 cohort, has been running the “Glasstite” campaign to raise awareness on issues of job culture in the corporate sector.
Saro Imran has established an incubation program called “Pink Skills and Training Centre”, which implements a local language curriculum for transgender entrepreneurs to build their business capacity.