Accountability Innovation Lab

Accountability Lab is implementing the initiative of Integrity Innovation Lab in collaboration with government-led premier training institutions including Civil Services Academy (CSA), Secretariat Training Institute (STI), National Policy Academy (NPA), Federal Investigation Academy (FIA), Information Service Academy and Sihala Police College. The initiative takes into account public officers’ limitations to deal with ever-complex and changing governance challenges, their capacity to offer solutions in the face of a rigid governance playbook – the departmental by-laws, and the resultant frustration of the citizens who face delays and corruption. The program works closely with the civil servants to understand the public’s view and develop solutions for improved public service delivery accordingly.

The key objective of the initiative is to map the important gaps in public service delivery at the government departments; document the learnings; initiate the reform process; monitor the impact; use these small success stories to inspire other public servants and improve the public trust in the institution by strengthening the feedback mechanism and reporting. Additionally, the process creates a sense of productive competition among the public, improving the overall quality of public services in the country. Through the project, Lab has created a network of reform champions, enabling a continuous process of knowledge creation, mutual learning, monitoring of impact and engagement of the community for inclusive policy making.