The 2019 Accountability Incubator Impact Report for Pakistan is based on data collected from exit interviews conducted in March 2019 with accountapreneurs from both program cohorts in 2016 and 2017. Data was also collated from an impact survey conducted with both the 2018 and 2019 cohorts in July 2019. Out […]
The 2019 Accountability Incubator Impact Report for Pakistan is based on data collected from exit interviews conducted in March 2019 with accountapreneurs from both program cohorts in 2016 and 2017. Data was also collated from an impact survey conducted with both the 2018 and 2019 cohorts in July 2019. Out of 12 alumni, 6 people participated in our Exit interviews with a further 6 accountapreneneurs participating in our impact survey.
The Accountability Incubator is a training and support program for young civil society leaders who have creative ideas for promoting accountability in their communities. Each year, Accountability Lab selects “accountapreneurs” who embody the values of integrity, humility, collaboration and innovation for a one-year mentorship, training and networking program where participants receive capacity-building support to grow their organizations.
The program was launched in Pakistan in 2016, where Accountability Lab recognized six accountapreneurs. An additional six accountapreneurs were added to the second cohort in 2017, and in 2019, 2 cohorts will graduate as the
Accountability Incubator transitions from a 2-year to a 1-year program. In total, the Incubator has selected 9 female and 11 male accountapreneurs. This report will detail impact across all 4 cohorts. Read the full report here.